RDO Property Ownership (Intro to Real Estate)
Updated May 16, 2024
We are working on starting Pre-Sales of Properties SOON. This means you will be able to buy and own RDO property in our game.
The Pre-Sale Offering contains many exciting features that you have all been eagerly waiting for. Here's a sneak peek at what awaits you:
- This is a crucial stage where our RDO* Property Deed NFTs are offered to early investors at discounted rates before the initial public offering.
- The private Pre-Sale Offering allows investors to join this promising project early while ST Horse World gains essential development funds and feedback.
- The RDO* Property Deed NFTs are offered at a reduced price to a limited number of buyers. This will result in...
- 💵 Potential for Buyer Profits. As demand rises and the pre-sale period progresses, the property prices can climb. Thus once the properties become publicly available, early owners can sell them at a profit.
- Growth in interest. The more the merrier, right? The more people interested in property ownership, the more the word will spread, which will also raise the "demand", thus driving up values. This could be financially beneficial to early pre-sale buyers.
The owner would hold a "deed" - which is authenticated and secured thru the NFT marketplace. The deed represents one of the farms, houses, or tracts of land in RDO.
- You will not see the property ownership inside the game* itself. Rather it is done externally. More on that follows. ( * = Red Dead Redemption, RDR2, or RDO. )
- IMPORTANT NOTE - We are not affiliated with RockStar, the developers of RED DEAD REDEMPTION.
- The deed is in the form of a virtual trading card. It has it's own webpage and shows the current owner. More on that below.
- 😛 👉🏽 *** Game Play ***: Once the deed is owned, you can use it while playing RDO. For example:
- 💈🏦 A Business:
- You own the Fence in Emerald Station.
- You can stand as the gate-keeper, and question people or charge a fee (like a deer carcass) before letting them use the Fence service.
- 🏡 HOUSE:
- You own the deed to the "Firwood Rise - World 1" homestead east of Valentine.
- You are near your property when a player comes to collect an RDO heirloom collectible. Or maybe they come to see what food or valuables they can steal.
- You can let them know they are trespassing as you own the property. And then you can send them the link to the deed's webpage to prove it.
- The link validates you as the official owner. This can be proven via the blockchain address which can be looked up easily via a link on that webpage.
- 🌲🏞️⛰️ VACANT LAND:
- You own the deed to the a piece of vacant land. You visit your land and find some camped there (!). They are trespassing. Deal with it however you want. Perhaps charge a camping fee? Such as a deer carcass for your trade table. Or as a member of our Club, you can be paid with an item they buy in the Gift Shop (including our STRP gold or currency). Another payment you might negotiate is an NFT from our site - or any NFT for that matter.
- PROVING OWNERSHIP: The DEED'S NFT profile page will always show who is the CURRENT OWNER at any given time for that property. In this case that NFT is called "Firwood Rise - World 1".
- SELLING, BUYING, OR GIVING PROPERTY: Once you sell or give away the deed for that property, no matter how it is done, the NFT for that specific deed must be transferred officially via the NFT's profile page on the marketplace.
- See "Some more ideas" below for more info.
These trading card deeds can be traded online. It will be possible to get them for free even. Owners can buy, sell, or give them away to others. They are distributed by us, ST Horse World (STHW). Each deed has a unique serial number, as it is a unique and valid NFT item. Transfers of ownership happen on the NFT marketplace. See "How it Works" below.
If this takes off, you can potentially make money re-selling or renting out your property. Why? Cuz the NFTs will be rare, and thus should be of great interest to RDO players.
You could end up owning a whole street in Blackwater for instance, or a vacant piece of land anywhere on the map.
You will need Gold GOLD GOLD G-O-L-D for properties. Plus there are a number of other ways to get a property (such as on the NFT marketplace). More on that coming soon. So get to the business and tally up some $STRP cash and STRP GOLD to buy your properties as soon as the feature is enabled.
We are also considering how this would work. Your feedback would be much appreciated. What do you think? What are your ideas? Please let us know*.
Some more ideas (brainstorming stage):
- There are 5 parallel STRP worlds. World 1, World 2, World 3, World 4, and World 5. So lets say you buy Braithwaite Manor. The first time we sell it ever, we sell BRAITHWAITE in W1. W1 means World 1. Now you control it till you transfer it to someone else. The second time we sell a Braithwaite out, that Braithwaite is BRAITHWAITE W2 (in World 2).
- When your RDO game starts up...
- If you go to your property, chances are very high that no other property owner is there. (Considering there are more than 40 million copies of the game sold...)
- Therefore, you own it in that session.
- In the unlikely case that one of the 4 other owners comes along - they do not own it in your session, and have to change session.
- According to the rules, in case of dispute, the owner of BRAITHWAITE W1 has seniority over other owners of BRAITHWAITE W2, W3, etc.). (We may change the way this works. Feedback will help decide the best way.)
- Some ranches might exist virtually in your STHW profile. Examples:
- You may obtain a deed to vacant land, and can then build on it. The new construction might show as...
- A sky-view drawing or screen-shot of your property.
- You might build it up using Story Mode mods. More on that below.
- This could also possibly be designed and built in Sims3, Sims4, or other game or CAD software.
- Some newly-built properties only exist in Story Mode (RDR2). This is because Story Mode takes place in 1899 to 1907, which is after Red Dead Online's period (1898).
- A CUSTOM Ranch in Story Mode. There are mods that can be easily added to your story mode (single player) game. This is the way to keep horses with unique coats that are not available in RED DEAD ONLINE (RDO). We can help you create your ranch for a fee. These custom installs might also be authenticated by NFTs. This needs exploration.
- Some properties may only exist in RedM Role Play.
- You may obtain a deed to vacant land, and can then build on it. The new construction might show as...
We will keep the number of available "worlds" very low. Why?
Because this will make ownership more valuable to the players, and thus give players the opportunity to sell their properties at a profit. As more people learn about this, more will want to buy. This will create a higher demand and thus drive up the price someone is willing to pay.
- We may in future add a property map which could be specific to each person's profile. This could show buildings, interiors, exteriors, etc. And you would be able to add more buildings, do improvements, etc.
- We might implement some ideas from the board game MONOPOLY too.
- A system to rent out properties you own.
Do you think these are great ideas? We do!
Let us know in the comments below - or if you have ideas yourself, feedback, or want to help design this feature - use the Help Desk to submit a ticket.
You'll be glad you did!