
Horse Trading & Breeding group
Open 5 Users
StarGirl Forever joined this group
Preacher_Eric and TruthLuvver ForReal liked this

TruthLuvver ForReal I heard our site developers were using Sims 3 to pruce the 1st baby horses, and since then Sims 4 came out with a fantastic horse add-on with more powerful features. I personally love this idea!
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Preacher_Eric joined this group
Angel (TheOneBelisarius) joined this group
Sita-Admin created this group
StarGirl Forever, Preacher_Eric, and 2 others liked this
Sita-Admin See our existing RDO NFT Horses and read more at:
Sita-Admin HELP WANTED! We need players to help us develop this feature. It's all a cloud of ideas, hopes and dreams right now. Contact StarGirl or Sita - or just post your ideas here.
Preacher_Eric When will this activity start?
StarGirl Forever Horse Trading & Breeding will be released in a future Phase. Initially we planned it would be sooner, but people just wern't interested. Though our 1st horse NFT for DF Toby gets alot of hits, there hasn't been enuf interest yet. Plus we are short-staffed. Wanna help? Anyone who wants to help, let us know. STHW is a volunteer project so far & the people working on it have their hands full.
TruthLuvver ForReal I think people will get more interested once u can show them how it works.