An INTRO TO MISSIONS - please read ...
Earn $STRP cash, Happiness, Gold, and Medals by doing missions in RDO. At this time, you will get $STRP cash in the same amount as what you win on the $RDO mission.
These are NOT role play activities. Anyone can participate.
We will be adding .....
- Any mission listed in the MISSIONS category.
- Propose a mission and win $STRP 500. - Must be explained adequately and using proper grammar, spelling as much as possible to avoid work on the part of the staff. I.e. it should be ready to post as a new mission in the CLUB.
- Any mission in RDO. We will be adding more missions here soon. But for now, this is the interim way of doing missions.
You can do any mission in RDO, and provide proof of completion and your winnings. How to prove it:
- Take a screenshot of the $RDO Rewards. It's easy to miss this, so good idea to also take some screenshots while in the mission. If you can't get the screenshot of the $RDO, do note down what the winnings were. Or...
- Ideal Method, but not required: You could take another STHW CLUB member along. Then both of you should take a screenshot of the $RDO Rewards, or at least write down what the winnings were. Or...
- You can stream it, or record a video snippet. Then you could get a fellow member to watch the award part of the stream, or you can take some screen shots of the video.
- SUBMISSION: You, or both of you, can submit separate Mission Reports to staff.
We will be upgrading these procedures in future as we fine-tune things.
Please let us know your ideas! Send them via the HELP DESK the HELP DESK, or if a guest, use the Bug Report - it will all end up with us.
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